April 19-23, 2020 • Sheraton Phoenix Downtown • Phoenix, AZ
April 19-23, 2020 • Sheraton Phoenix Downtown • Phoenix, AZ

When: Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 7:00am
Where: Meet at &More in the hotel lobby
AAEM20 Coffee Crawl Route
Re-energize by grabbing a few friends to take on the Wellness Coffee Crawl. We have mapped out a route for you to participate at your own pace. Walk, run, or jog to a few coffee destinations along the strip and get fortified for the day’s education.
Take selfies throughout the crawl or as you’re passing Starbucks and tag @aaeminfo using #AAEM20CoffeeCrawl #AAEMWellness on Twitter or Facebook!
Indicate your interest when you register for AAEM20 and we’ll get in touch!
AAEM Coffee Crawl route coming soon!
*No cash will actually be collected for passing Starbucks.