April 19-23, 2020 • Sheraton Phoenix Downtown • Phoenix, AZ

Participate as an exhibitor and/or financial supporter of our 26th Annual Scientific Assembly (AAEM20), April 19-23, 2020 at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown in Phoenix, Arizona.
AAEM20 offers your organization the unique opportunity to present products and services to the AAEM membership — comprised of over 1,200 board certified emergency physicians, residents and medical students in emergency medicine.
This year’s exhibit hall will be located on the same floor as the plenary and general sessions, set with 8'x10' exhibit spaces, and time will be set aside for attendees to visit the exhibits.
We continue to offer premier exhibiting hours which condense booth activity during peak times, enhanced exhibitor profiles on the Scientific Assembly mobile app, and increased attendee exposure through customized incentives to drive booth traffic including the ever popular “Passport to Prizes” contest.
By exhibiting at AAEM20, your organization will enjoy exclusive access to the AAEM membership as well as numerous non-member delegates — practicing emergency physicians seeking the latest information in the field. Exhibitors also receive a 15% discount on advertising in the AAEM member magazine, Common Sense, which will feature expanded coverage of the Scientific Assembly in its Nov/Dec 2019 and Jan/Feb 2020 issues for materials submitted by the deadline.
Please take the time to review the information in this exhibitor prospectus, and then make the decision to join us at the only major event in emergency medicine targeted directly at the educational needs of the board certified emergency physician.
Get your products and services in front of an engaged audience, in person, through the many branding and promotional opportunities available only through AAEM.
See you in Phoenix!
Interested in learning more? Contact Roxanne Dobbs at 800-884-2236 or rdobbs@aaem.org.