April 19-23, 2020 • Sheraton Phoenix Downtown • Phoenix, AZ

ADA Compliance
Each exhibitor is responsible for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within its booth and assigned space.
Attire of exhibit personnel should be consistent with the professional atmosphere of the conference. Because of AAEM’s effort to recycle plastic name badge holders, only AAEM-sponsored decals, pins and ribbons may be affixed to attendee or exhibitor badge holders. Exhibitors are required to wear name badges while in the AAEM meeting space
AAEM does not endorse or promote any products or services related to an exhibit. The use of the AAEM logo, name, annual conference/exhibition artwork, or any representations thereof shall be only at the express written consent of show management.
Canvassing or distribution of advertising material by an exhibitor is not permitted outside of the exhibitor’s booth space. Third parties acting on behalf of or representing the exhibitor must adhere to and abide by AAEM rules and regulations. Anyone violating this policy will be escorted from the AAEM Scientific Assembly.
Exhibitor booth cancellations should be made in writing and sent to AAEM by January 13, 2020. A full refund minus a processing charge of $100 will apply. No refunds are given for cancellations made after January 13, 2020.
Demonstrations by exhibitors should contribute to an attendee’s knowledge in a professional way. Adequate space should be available for demonstrations within the confines of the individual exhibitor’s booth and should not interfere with normal traffic flow nor infringe in any way on neighboring exhibits. Exhibitors must seek permission from AAEM to host such activities. Additional fees and time restrictions may apply.
Education Preferences
Due to participant requests from previous conferences, exhibitors providing updates on tens machines, light therapy or skin care, and/or wound recovery are not eligible to exhibit at Scientific Assembly.
Food and Beverage Distribution
AAEM must be notified of an exhibitor’s intent to distribute food or beverage items in the Exhibit Hall. All such items must be approved by AAEM and ordered directly from the Sheraton Grand Phoenix. Exhibitors are not permitted to bring in outside food or beverages.
Interruption or Prevention of Exhibition
Each exhibiting company is responsible for obtaining business interruption and property damage insurance in such amounts as deemed appropriate to comply with its obligations hereunder and for its own protection.
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to have all licenses, permits, and/or registrations required by the venue, city, municipality and/or state. The exhibitor is responsible for compliance with all applicable tax laws.
Non-Exhibiting Companies
Canvassing or marketing of any products or services in any part of the exhibit hall or meeting rooms by anyone representing a non-exhibiting firm is strictly prohibited.
Aisles, corridors, exhibit areas and exit stairs must be maintained the required width at all times that the conference is open. No obstruction, such as chairs, tables, displays or other materials will be allowed to protrude into the aisles. Each exhibitor while participating in this conference is charged with possessing knowledge of laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention and public safety. Compliance with such laws in mandatory for exhibitors and is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor.
Professional security guard service is provided throughout the exhibitor installation and dismantle periods. AAEM provides perimeter hall security after hours during the conference. However, AAEM, the security service and the Sheraton Grand Phoenix are not responsible for loss or damage to exhibitor property.
Exhibitors must remain within their own exhibit spaces when demonstrating products and/or when distributing literature, product samples, or other materials. Exhibitors must not aggressively approach or call out to attendees in a manner not consistent with the professional environment of the conference. Exhibitors are not allowed to bring outside guests into the exhibit hall. Direct selling is not allowed; however, order taking is permitted within the booth if business is conducted in a manner consistent with the professional nature of the exhibits.
Subletting/Sharing of Space
Subletting of exhibit space is not permitted. Sharing of exhibit space is not permitted unless it is within divisions of the same company.
Exhibitors will not affix, nail or otherwise attach anything to the walls, doors, floors or columns, except where a nail strip is provided.
All illuminated displays and other equipment requiring electrical current must conform to local electrical codes. Extension cords must be 3-wire grounded and U.L. approved.
Exhibitors shall be bound by all contracts in effect between service contractors, the Sheraton Grand Phoenix and any labor organizations when applicable. More information on the specific labor regulations in effect will be included in the exhibitor service kit.