26th Annual Scientific Assembly

Breve Dulce

What is Breve Dulce?
These ever-popular “short and sweet” sessions last just seven minutes and have 25 slides. We listened to your feedback and at AAEM20, most Breve Dulce sessions will be held in a larger room.

Plan to catch more than four-dozen Breve Dulce talks at AAEM20 to round out your educational experience!



Breve Dulce Schedule

Tuesday, April 21 – Meeting of the Minds: Pediatrics/Public Health

9:15am-9:25am Pediatric Gynecology | Ilene Claudius, MD FAAEM FAAP FACEP
9:30am-9:40am Social Emergency Medicine: "Not My Job" Doesn't Cut It in 2020 | Megan Healy, MD FAAEM


Tuesday, April 21 – Meeting of the Minds: Critical Care/Sepsis

11:30am-11:40am The Controversial Use of Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest | Maite A. Huis in 't Veld, MD FAAEM
11:45am-11:55am How to Respond When Your Nephrologist Requests Sorbitol and Polystyrene Sulfonate (Kayexalate) for Hyperkalemia | Corey M. Slovis, MD FAAEM FACP FACEP


Tuesday, April 21 – Session 265

3:15pm-3:25pm Slow Down to Speed Up | Evie G. Marcolini, MD FAAEM FACEP FCCM
3:25pm-3:35pm Documenting the Space Between the Exam and Diagnosis Line: Rapid Fire Pearls You've Got to Know | Jason Adler, MD FAAEM
3:35pm-3:45pm Meet the PRES: Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in Your ED | Bradley E. Barth, MD FAAEM
3:45pm-3:55pm Cyclic Vomiting: A Medication Bottomless Pit? | Rahul Bhat, MD FAAEM
3:55pm-4:05pm Does Anyone Deserve Platelets with Intracerebral Hemorrhage? | Karen Greenberg, DO FAAEM FACOEP


Tuesday, April 21 – Session 290

4:50pm-5:00pm DIY: Peritonsillar Abscess Management | Laura J. Bontempo, MD MEd FAAEM
5:00pm-5:10pm Help! There's a Baby Coming! | Julie Vieth, MBChB FAAEM
5:10pm-5:20pm The 18-Hour Case of Appendicitis | David J. Carlberg, MD, FAAEM
5:20pm-5:30pm Balanced Solutions in the Management of Hypovolemic Hyperkalemia | George C. Willis, MD FAAEM


Wednesday, April 22 – Session 318

10:15am-10:25am Don't Get Angry, Get MAD! Intranasal Medications in Adults | Jeffery A. Baker, MD FAAEM
10:25am-10:35am Feel the Burn: An Evidence Based Approach to Rhabdomyolysis | Matthew C. DeLaney, MD FAAEM
10:35am-10:45am How Did I Miss That? Tips on Using Ultrasound to Never Miss a Central Line Again | Eric J. Chin, MD MBA FAAEM
10:45am-10:55am The Cost of Survival: Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Treatment | Loice A. Swisher, MD FAAEM
10:55am-11:05am Eventful Medicine: Just Another Day at the Office | Celine Thum, MD FAAEM
11:051m-11:15am Junctional Hemorrhage | Elizabeth M. Mannion, MD FAAEM
11:15am-11:25am High Risk Intubation Scenarios | Susan R. Wilcox, MD FAAEM
11:25am-11:35am Headache Regional Anesthesia | Michael Shalaby, MD
11:35am-11:45am Ditch the Flat Plate: How to Use Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Small Bowel Obstruction | Allison Zanaboni, MD FAAEM
11:45am-11:55am Fever, Shock & Serositis | Manu Ayyan, MD FACEE
11:55am-12:05pm Modern Trochar Use in Tube Thoracostomy | Matthew DeStefano, DO


Wednesday, April 22 – Session 328

1:30pm-1:40pm Understanding the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and Why It Matters to EM Physicians | Andrew Rizzo, DO FAAEM
1:40pm-1:50pm Hand-Held Ultrasound Machines: Panacea or Problematic? | Joshua Guttman, MD FAAEM FRCPC
1:50pm-2:00pm Toxicology: Extracorporeal Removal Techniques for the Poisoned Patient | Halil Dogan, PhD MD
2:00pm-2:10pm Pressure Pushing Down on Me: The Sonographic Assessment of Pericardial Effusions | Mark Magee, MD FAAEM
2:10pm-2:20pm Finding Quality Free Online Access Medical Educational Resources | Andrew Grock, MD FAAEM
2:20pm-2:30pm Tripoding Isn't Just for Cameras: Severe Asthma Management | Ashika Jain, MD FAAEM FACEP
2:30pm-2:40pm Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Improving and Automating Emergency Medicine Resident Training | Kyle S. Couperus, MD
2:40pm-2:50pm Controversies of Urologic Emergencies | Elizabeth B. Takacs, MD and Michael E. Takacs, MD MS FAAEM
2:50pm-3:00pm Can You See What I See: Understanding Lung Pathology on Ultrasound | Alexis Salerno, MD
3:00pm-3:10pm Ventricular Storm: What to Do When Electricity Isn’t Enough | Christopher San Miguel, MD FAAEM
3:10pm-3:20pm Managing Exercise Associated Heat Illness | Korin B. Hudson, MD FAAEM


Wednesday, April 22 – Session 333

3:50pm-4:00pm What Happened? FIX HIM!: Delivering Bad News in the ED | Bob Zemple IV, MD FAAEM
4:00pm-4:10pm Stop a Bleed, Save a Life: Bleeding Dialysis Arteriovenous Fistulas | Ryan Spangler, MD FAAEM
4:10pm-4:20pm Managing the Hanging Victim | Manish Garg, MD FAAEM
4:20pm-4:30pm More Than Just Drunk-Wernick's Encephalopathy in the ED | Jason Hine, MD FAAEM
4:30pm-4:40pm Resisting the EASY Button: Why It's Probably Not a UTI in Your Geriatric Patient | Danya Khoujah, MBBS FAAEM
4:40pm-4:50pm The Precipitous Delivery: Essential Tasks for Newborn Resuscitation | Daphne M. Morrison Ponce, MD FAAEM
4:50pm-5:00pm Checkpoint Inhibitors | Paul S. Jansson, MD
5:00pm-5:10pm IV Iron in the ED - Rethinking How You Treat Anemia | Gregory Patek, MD OD FAAEM
5:10pm-5:20pm Increasing Diversity in the Field of EM: From Pipeline to Faculty Retention | Vonzella A. Bryant, MD FAAEM
5:20pm-5:30pm Developing Internal Validation in Residency | Randy Sorge, MD
5:30pm-5:40pm New Cancer Treatments and Its Associated Complications | Demis N. Lipe, MD FAAEM


Thursday, April 23 – Session 405

8:45am-8:55am Finer Points in Febrile Neutropenia | Sarah B. Dubbs, MD FAAEM
8:55am-9:05am Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: An Overview of an Underrecognized Disease | Patricia De Melo Panakos, MD FAAEM
9:05am-9:15am Toxic Alcohols: Who Needs Dialysis? | Michael D. Levine, MD FAAEM
9:15am-9:25am Trauma-Informed Care for Violently Injured Patients | Kyle R. Fischer, MD MPH FAAEM
9:25am-9:35am Be Still My Beating Heart: Recognizing and Using Cardiac Standstill | Melissa Myers, MD FAAEM
9:35am-9:45am PE in Pregnancy: Navigating the Minefield | Joelle Borhart, MD FAAEM FACEP


Thursday, April 23 – Session 415

11:00am-11:10am Women and Minorities: Making Our Voices Heard | Lisa A. Moreno, MD MS MSCR FAAEM FIFEM
11:10am-11:20am Are You Performing GCS Correctly? | Wan-Tsu W. Chang, MD FAAEM
11:20am-11:30am Help, My Child is Bleeding!: Tips and Tricks for Managing the Pediatric Upper GI Bleed | Kathleen M. Stephanos, MD FAAEM
11:30am-11:40am Trigger Point Injections | Zachary Repanshek, MD FAAEM
11:40am-12:00pm The Joint Commission as Complicit in the Opioid Crisis | Talcott Franklin