Join these wellness opportunities! We invite you to join us at AAEM19 for enriching education and also a motivational retreat where you leave feeling a renewed passion for emergency medicine.
Monday, March 11, 2019, 7:00am
Meet at Giada's Pronto Restaurant in Caesars Palace
Re-energize by grabbing a few friends for an inaugural Coffee Crawl. We have mapped out a route for you to participate at your own pace. Walk, run, or jog to a few coffee destinations along the strip and get fortified for the day’s education.
Indicate your interest when you register for AAEM19 and we’ll get in touch!
View the AAEM Coffee Crawl route.
Monday, March 11, 2019, 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Forum 22-23
Interested in telling a story? Learn more!
The purpose of these events are to promote community and friendship among colleagues during Scientific Assembly over a delicious meal. F3 meal events will consist of 6-8 people and are planned by the AAEM wellness committee. Meal locations TBD.
Learn more and register today!
Throughout AAEM19
Forum 1
Open throughout AAEM19, the Wellness Room space offers a sanctuary from the conference bustle. Come in to participate in affirmations, enjoy pieces from the NAM Traveling Art Show, and more!
Tuesday, March 12, 2019, 7:30am
Forum 1
Join members of the wellness committee in the wellness room for a mindfulness session. Set an intention to take this time for your wellbeing. Indicate your interest for participating in a meditation/breathwork session(s) when you register for AAEM19 and we’ll get in touch!
This focus group is part of the AAEM wellness committee’s mission to study the root causes of burnout in EM.
Indicate your interest for participating in the focus group when you register for AAEM19 and we’ll get in touch!