Winner: Cortlyn Brown
Use of the updated Google Translate algorithm for Spanish and Chinese discharge instructions
Runner-Up: Anna Yang
The Impact of a Standardized Checklist on the Quality and Duration of ED Physician Sign-Out
Runner-Up: Austin T. Jones
Assessing Linkage to Care of an Emergency Department Hepatitis C Screening Program
The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health (WestJEM) is proud to sponsor the AAEM/RSA WestJEM Population Health Research Competition. This is designed to showcase medical student and resident research specifically in areas that affect the health of populations of patients in and around the ED.
Appropriate submissions should focus on ED operations, technology solutions, education, throughput, crowding, access to care, injury prevention, public policy and advocacy, disaster management, patient safety, endemic infections and other systems of medicine. Successful submissions will include methodologies such as randomized trials, observational cohort studies, before-and-after intervention studies, cross-sectional studies and longitudinal studies. Case reports and reviews will not be considered.
The top six abstracts submitted by students and residents will be selected for oral presentation at AAEM19. The top three winners will be highlighted on AAEM's social media pages and honored with plaques.
Monday, March 11, 2019 - Forum 21
3:50pm-4:05pm |
Use of the Updated Google Translate Algorithm for Spanish and Chinese Discharge Instructions |
4:10pm-4:25pm |
Development of Protocol-Driven Prehospital Care in a Rohingya Refugee Camp |
4:30pm-4:45pm |
The Impact of a Standardized Checklist on the Quality and Duration of ED Physician Sign-Out |
4:50pm-5:05pm |
An Assessment of Emergency Department Utilization by Homeless Compared To Non-Homeless Patients |
5:10pm-5:25pm |
Correlations Between Prescription Rates and Online Reviews of Emergency Physicians |
5:30pm-5:45pm |
Assessing Linkage to Care of an Emergency Department Hepatitis C Screening Program |
Please read the abstract submission instructions carefully. The deadline and space requirements are strictly enforced in order to give all authors an equal opportunity to submit their data in the same amount of space and under the same time constraints.
Presenting Author Information
You will need to submit the presenting author’s name, address, telephone, and fax numbers, as well as an email address. Only the presenting author listed on the submission form will be notified of abstract acceptance. The presenting author must be a resident or student. Only one individual may submit an abstract through the online submission portal. If your submission is accepted for display at Scientific Assembly, you may include the names of co-authors and co-submitters on the display.
Indicate what monies have funded the research, if any.
Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships
In accordance with the essentials and standards set forth by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, as well as guidelines proposed by the Food and Drug Administration and endorsed by the American Medical Association, an author with a conflict of interest with the content of their abstract must disclose that conflict prior to presentation. A conflict of interest includes, but is not limited to, any relevant financial relationship in a company, product or procedure mentioned in the abstract or in the presentation to be given at the conference. The authors must complete the disclosure form included in the electronic submission. A conflict in and of itself will not eliminate an abstract from consideration.
Previous Presentations of Abstracts
No abstract published as an article on or before November 1, 2018, may be submitted for this competition. Abstracts that have been presented at the national meetings of other organizations should not be submitted for consideration. You cannot submit the same abstract for this and the AAEM/JEM Resident and Student Abstract Competition. The AAEM/JEM Resident and Student Abstract Competition focuses on clinical research projects, while this AAEM/RSA and WestJEM competition focuses on research projects devoted to population health.
Informed Consent
Any studies involving human subjects must conform to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (Clinical Research 1966; 14:103) and must meet all the requirements governing informed consent of the country in which the research was performed.
Abstract Publication
All oral abstracts presented at AAEM’s 25th Annual Scientific Assembly may be considered for publication electronically in the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Population Health with Emergency Medicine. As an open-access journal, ownership of abstracts and presentations remains with the authors.
Notification of Abstract Selection
The presenting author of all abstracts submitted by November 1, 2018 will receive notification of acceptance or rejection early January 2019.
Withdrawals and Revisions
Withdrawals and revisions must be received in writing to by November 1, 2018. No changes can be submitted after that date.
Objectives: A precise statement of the purpose of the study or the pre-study hypothesis. This may be preceded by a brief introduction summarizing past work or relevant controversies that place the study in perspective.
Methods: A brief statement of the methods used, including pertinent information about the study design, setting, participants, subjects, interventions, and observations.
Results: A summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions.
Conclusions: Conclusions should be succinctly stated and firmly supported by the data presented. Note important limitations.
If you have questions regarding submissions, please call AAEM at (800) 884-2236 or email Rebecca Sommer at