
Sections of AAEM give members the opportunity to get more involved in AAEM in an area that they are especially interested in. Sections all have their own bylaws and members pay dues to be a part of the section. See below for more information regarding the different AAEM sections that you can join.

Critical Care Medicine Section

Critical care is an ever revolving field with major advances, and the goals for this section are to keep you up-to-date by writing guidelines or position statements, networking, developing a job database, and providing mentorship. The Critical Care Medicine Section (CCMS-AAEM) aims to engage your clinical interests.

Emergency Medical Services Section

The Emergency Medical Services Section of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (EMSS-AAEM) was founded to foster professional development in advocacy, service, and education regarding emergency medical services.

Emergency Ultrasound Section

We are excited to announce the new Emergency Ultrasound Section of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (EUS-AAEM)! Our section is founded to foster the professional development of its members and to educate them regarding point of care ultrasound.

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Section

JEDI-AAEM promotes and increases diversity throughout the practice of emergency medicine (including but not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation and ability) throughout our subspecialty at every level of leadership.

Women in Emergency Medicine Section

The Women in Emergency Medicine Section (WiEMS-AAEM) is constituted with a vision of equity for AAEM women in emergency medicine and a purpose to champion the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in emergency medicine through the pillars of advocacy, leadership, and education.

Young Physicians Section

AAEM Young Physicians Section (YPS-AAEM) membership is open to emergency medicine residency-trained Fellow-in-Training, Associate or Full Voting members of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine who are within the first five years of professional practice after residency or fellowship training.


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