Friday, April 21, 2023 | 7:30am - 5:00pm
We are headed to Baton Rouge and the Louisiana State Capitol for a day of state-level, hands-on learning!
Whether you are new to advocacy efforts or a veteran in speaking with legislators, the Health Policy in Emergency Medicine (HPEM) Symposium will provide an unrivaled experience in activism. Network and engage with Louisiana state legislators in a day of experiential learning about grassroots advocacy and how to get things done! Get an introduction to the advocacy process and take part in mock legislative meetings with staffers. Learn about current topics of importance to AAEM and AAEM/RSA, as well as the legislation you need to know about coming up in your state.
No prior hill experience is necessary.
Monday, April 24, 2023 | 6:45am - 7:45am
Residents and young physicians: join colleagues for breakfast and discussion on the next steps to bridging the cash flow gap from medical school to residency and investing for beginners.
Monday, April 24, 2023 | 10:15am - 12:05pm, 2:45pm - 4:35pm
The Resident Track programming is selected by residents for residents. The goal of the track is to prepare residents for their careers in emergency medicine by concentrating on topics such as career success, clinical topics, and the responsibilities of being a public health advocate. The track concludes with the Resident Breve Dulce competition based on the theme, “Widen the Differential.” Presentations will discuss a time where competitors “widened the differential” whether in terms of patient interaction, personal beliefs that changed during residency, or the impact of broadening out from initial frameworks and biases.
Unionization Panel: We are joining with SAEM/RAMS, EMRA, and ACOEP-RSO to better educate residents about unionization and why it is occurring across the country. We will review the history of unionization, the process of unionizing, and risks and benefits associated with the unionization process. This panel will be a space of quality information for all residency programs, regardless of whether or not they choose to unionize. Residents & attendings are encouraged and welcome to attend.
Saturday, April 22, 2023 | 10:00pm-2:00am
We’re celebrating our members New Orleans style with a party for the ages! Bring your dancing shoes, because we’re staying up late to enjoy all that The Big Easy has to offer in true laissez les bon temps rouler-style! Entrance is free for resident, student, and YPS-AAEM members. More information coming soon!
The Open Mic Competition is designed for new speakers to be heard and evaluated by a panel of judges and conference attendees. Each speaking slot is 25 minutes (20 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for questions.) Presentations can be on any topic relevant to the practice of emergency medicine. Ten of the time slots will be filled in advance and the remaining six time slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis by signing up onsite at Scientific Assembly next to the registration desk.