Track Descriptions
MEMC19 will include the following types of tracks:
Pre-Congress Courses
Pre-congress courses are an excellent way to increase your total CME at MEMC19 and receive specialized instruction from experts in the field. These courses will be held on Sunday 22 September and require an additional registration and fee. View all courses here.
Plenary sessions are the main highlighted talks of the day, no other sessions will run concurrently with them. Each day of the congress will feature two plenary talks. View the plenary speakers here.
Didactic talks will run concurrently in the morning and afternoon each day of the congress. You may attend any session of the concurrent tracks, they are organized by topic.
Oral Abstracts
Oral abstract tracks will feature original research from delegates who have submitted and been accepted to present.
Breve Dulce
Meaning "short" and "sweet" - these rapid-fire talks will cover a variety of important topics. The Breve format is a succinct, high-level overview in less than seven minutes (short) of EM pearls that you can immediately put to use in your everyday practice (sweet).
Important Dates
12 September 2019
Hotel Reservation Deadline
22 September 2019
Pre-Congress Courses
23-25 September 2019
MEMC Congress