Common Sense

YPS: The Year in Review

Outgoing YPS President's Message

Brian Potts, MD MBA FAAEM

It has been my honor to serve as the YPS president for the last year. The job is easy when you are surrounded by such a great group of active and energetic board members.

Mike Pulia and Elizabeth Hall served admirably in their roles as Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer, respectively. The section is fortunate to have their guidance as leaders for the coming year. Jeff Pinnow kept our members informed throughout the year with his bimonthly communications regarding YPS events, website updates, and upcoming plans for 2011 Scientific Assembly. Alicia Pilarski coordinated our membership strategy and welcomed new and renewing members to the section. She worked closely with AAEM/RSA knowing our section’s future membership will come from graduating resident members. Jennifer Kanapicki did an amazing job throughout the year spearheading our plans for the educational RSA/YPS track and YPS sponsorship for “Open Mic” at Scientific Assembly in Orlando. Having just returned from Orlando, I can definitely say that it was our most successful educational track ever. The six lecturers were top notch, and we had our best attendance turnout for the track. Warren Wiechmann coordinated our government affairs work with the main AAEM board and kept us informed regarding board certification issues and other developments at the state and national level. David Vega, our section’s founder, has served as YPS Director, the liaison between the main AAEM board and our section, for the last two years. I also want to thank my predecessor, Michael Epter, who laid the foundation two years ago for much of what we accomplished during my tenure in 2010 – 2011. Last, it has been a pleasure to work with our AAEM office staff, Ginger Czajkowski and Janet Wilson, who do so much of the work for our section and make things happen. Our section is extremely lucky to have these dedicated staff members at our side.

Our section continues to get better year after year. The Rules of the Road for Young Emergency Physicians is a must read for any recent graduate or a person considering a job change. We are striving to create more benefits for our members and we hope that every young physician’s involvement with YPS will help foster a connection to AAEM throughout their careers.