Common Sense

Are You Ready?

Michael L. Epter, DO FAAEM
President, Young Physicians Section

Are you ready? These three words can conjure up a vast spectrum of emotions ranging from fear and apprehension (think about your first single coverage night shift in the emergency department (ED) after residency) to excitement and inspiration (think of landing your destination job). The Young Physicians Section (YPS) of the Academy was founded in 2006, under the leadership of David Vega, MD FAAEM, to do everything possible to have you answer that emotion-laden three word question with a resounding "Yes." Entering into its third year, YPS continues to grow in membership and importance within the organization due to the unique set of issues that graduating residents and physicians in the early years of practice face. To this end, the Section has developed three major member benefits: the Rules of the Road for Young Emergency Physicians book, curriculum vitae review and virtual mentoring program.

The Rules of the Road for Young Emergency Physicians is an invaluable reference which includes information on professional development (e.g., career paths), personal development (e.g., financial planning, loans, investments, wellness) and the ever changing challenges we face in the ED on a daily basis (e.g., difficult consultants, patient satisfaction, overcrowding).

The CV and cover letter review offers members a rare (and free!) opportunity to ensure that you are "showing off your credentials" as you enter or reenter the job market in order to give yourself the best chance of securing that coveted job. You only get one chance to make a first, and right, impression and this invaluable service will be a great step to making sure that you do just that.

The Virtual Mentoring Program is an exciting opportunity to interact with your peers in perhaps the most critical period of all - post residency. In addition to clinical work, young physicians are faced with continual questions concerning job opportunities (e.g., academic versus community based practice, group versus hospital employee, geographic practice areas), advancement, contracts and successful board passage, as well as the stressors of practicing in a high paced field. Imagine having access to an experienced, knowing voice that has already successfully traveled the same path you are currently embarking on. The value of having a mentor during these early years cannot be understated. YPS mentors are from different regions of the US and include those actively involved in community practice as well as academic emergency medicine, so you can find the right match for your situation.

In addition to the aforementioned, YPS members often publish articles in Common Sense. And, at the Scientific Assembly in Phoenix, the Section celebrated its first annual lecture by Jesse Pines, MD FAAEM, "ED Overcrowding: Causes, Consequences and Solutions."

As the newly appointed President of YPS, I am personally 110% committed to making the Section grow, flourish and provide meaningful resources. This same vision was started by David Vega, MD FAAEM, continued with this past year's President, Marc Haber, MD FAAEM, and shared by the newly elected leadership (Vice President - Brian Potts, MD FAAEM; Secretary/Treasurer - Damon Dietrich, MD FAAEM; Board of Directors - Kate Getzewich, MD FAAEM; Elizabeth Hall, MD FAAEM; Michael Pulia, MD and Warren Wiechmann, MD).

As a YPS member, you will have the chance to be a part of an exciting time in the Section's history. Not only will you enjoy the benefits of membership we've talked about here, but you will also have the opportunity to participate in the development and maturation of how the Section unfolds. You are unlikely to find a group that will be more receptive and responsive to both your needs and suggestions. We are on a path toward becoming one of the premiere and valued sections within AAEM and know that we'll get there faster by encouraging and valuing the feedback of every YPS member while helping them grow into the best physicians they can be.

Accept nothing but the best, as do we, from yourself and our Section. I invite you to become a member of YPS…Are you ready?

Please email for more information.