AAEM Speaker Educational Agreement

Content Leader Letter of Agreement

July 27, 2024

1. I agree to present the following program:


If you are presenting a second lecture, enter that information below:


The program will cover information/topics requested by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) and agreed to by me.

2. I agree to comply with all program-related deadlines provided to me by AAEM, including but not limited to deadlines for handouts, A/V requests, etc.

3. During my presentation, I will not engage in any type of promotional marketing or selling of any product or service, and I will not disparage AAEM in any way.

4. I agree to notify AAEM's program manager immediately in the event that an emergency should prevent me from meeting my obligation as a content leader.

5. I grant to AAEM a royalty-free license to use, reproduce and distribute my presentation (including all handouts and PowerPoint® presentations) in any way in the future, with appropriate attribution to me. I understand that this license does not change the fact that I retain copyright ownership of my presentation, and does not prohibit me from using my presentation in any way or from allowing others to use it.

6. I agree to use the PowerPoint® and handout templates and logos provided to me by AAEM for any PowerPoint® presentation and handouts I may utilize in connection with the program, and I agree not to use these templates and logos in any way except in connection with this or other AAEM programs.

7. To the best of my knowledge, my presentation does not violate any proprietary or personal rights of others (including any copyright, trademark and privacy rights), is factually accurate, and contains nothing defamatory or otherwise unlawful. I have the full authority to enter into this agreement and have obtained all necessary permissions or licenses from any individuals or organizations whose material is included or used in my presentation.

8. I authorize AAEM to use my name, likeness, photograph, and biographical data in connection with the use and promotion of the program.

9. I provide consent for AAEM to record my presentation in audio and visual form. I understand that AAEM will be the sole copyright owner of the recording and can distribute and sell it, along with any supporting materials. Upon request, AAEM will provide me with one complimentary copy of the recording, however, I agree not to sell, distribute, stream over the Web, or otherwise use the recording in any way other than for my personal, archival use, except with the prior written consent of AAEM.

10. I understand that I will not receive any royalties, honoraria, reimbursement of expenses, or other compensation from AAEM in connection with the program or the rights granted above; however, I will receive reimbursement for travel expenses per board policy.

 I understand and agree to the above terms and conditions

Permission for AAEM to Use Presentation Materials

I give AAEM and its designees and assigns permission to use the materials developed in connection with this Activity and to distribute the Works to the Activity attendees.

My execution of this permission form does not transfer my ownership rights in the Works and does not prohibit me from using the Works in the future. The permission by me to AAEM hereunder shall be perpetual and will not be affected by any subsequent transfer or assignment of any rights I may have in the Works.

 I represent that I am the sole author of the Works and that AAEM's use thereof will not infringe on the copyright or other intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.  I represent that the Works to be provided contain certain materials copyrighted by others and that I have
  1. Obtained the consents of such copyright owner(s) to the use of such materials for the Activity; and
  2. I will cite the source of the copyrighted material wherever used in the Works, including use of a valid copyright notice and a statement that I have permission to use the copyright owner's materials. I have emailed a "Permission to Use Copyrighted Material" form executed by each copyright holder of such copyrighted material to info@aaem.org.

     I represent that I am an employee of the federal government and that the Works were developed as part of my official duties. As such, the Works are not subject to copyright.