Submit Application



Mentee applications for 2022-2023 are now closed. Please review the eligibility requirements and application instructions before submitting your application.

After submitting your application, you are required to submit three additional items: video, book summary, and a Breve Dulce proposal to speak at AAEM23.

Application Instructions

1) Complete the application form.

Check eligibility requirements below.


2) Submit a video.

Applicants are required to submit a video with the information below by July 24, 2022. The video should be no more than 4 minutes in length.

  1. Your name and institution and a brief summary of your training and passion in emergency medicine
  2. Previous speaking experience
  3. Mentoring experience or a summary on what have you done to improve your public speaking skills
  4. Expectations/what you hope to gain from the Speaker Development Group

Then, upload the video (MP4, MOV, or M4V format) to the Dropbox folder. Please name the file with your Last Name, First Name (i.e. Jones, Jamie).


3) Submit a Speaker Proposal for AAEM23.

Mentees in the Speaker Development Group program are offered a Breve Dulce (7 minute talk / up to 25 slides) speaker slot at the next Scientific Assembly. To assist in the conference planning process, you are asked to submit a proposed talk title now. Visit the AAEM23 website to learn more and complete the Speaker Proposal form by July 24, 2022.

For ideas on previous Breve Dulce titles, please visit the AAEM22 Program Schedule.


4) Complete a reading summary.

Applicants are required to read “Secrets of Successful Speakers: How You Can Motivate, Captivate, and Persuade” by Lilly Walters and provide a one page summary of three takeaways by August 15, 2022. Submit summary via Dropbox here. Please name the file with your Last Name, First Name (i.e. Jones, Jamie).


When will I hear if I've been accepted to the Speaker Development Group?

AAEM will follow up with candidates in September 2022.


To be eligible as a mentee, you need:

  • Demonstrated initiative – The ideal candidate would lead and value the mentor relationship and take responsibility for at least four communication touch-points within the year and follow-up with mentor using available resources (Skype, videos, streaming, etc.) if not matched within close geographical area.
  • Current AAEM membership – participation in the AAEM Speaker Development Group is a member benefit. AAEM Full Voting members, Associate members, and Fellow-in-Training members are eligible to participate as mentees. Join AAEM or renew your membership today!
  • No formal speaking experience or training is required!

2022-2023 Key Dates

June 28 - July 24: Candidate application portal open
August 2 - October 14: Candidates read text assignment
August 14: Candidate book summary due
September: Committee review and match candidates
September - October: Phase 1 - Idea Set
November - January: Phase 2 - Slide Design
January - February: Phase 3 - First Delivery and Review of Presentation
February - March: Phase 4 - Second Delivery and Review of Presentation
March 21: Milestone - Go/No Go confirmation for speaking at AAEM23 Scientific Assembly*
March 24: Mentee to confirm travel arrangements to AAEM23 (hotel, conference registration, flight, etc.)
April 21-25: AAEM23 New Orleans

*To qualify to speak at AAEM23, mentees must actively submit materials on time and engage with their mentor for each activity noted.


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